Graduated from Keio University. She started her career in education industry and then joined a publishing company for distribution industry. She started PHENOGRAPH for consulting a business plan and producing products.
Born in Boston, U.S.A. After leaving Alfred University, he entered Tokyo University of the Arts (Design department) and also completed master's degree with honor (Purchase Award). Started working as a material planner and prototyper.
Tokyo University of the Arts | 2023~
2017 | Tokyo University of the Art (purchased award) | KIDS DESIGN AWARD | 2016 | GOOD TOY 2016 | 2015 | Tokyo University of the Arts (Kawakita prize) | PROPOSITION (Excellence award) | Kawasaki Industrial design competition (finalist) | 2014 |GOOD DESIGN AWARD | KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD (Excellenc prize) | SEKISHUWASHI (Chairman of Shimane industrial promotion foundation) | TOYAMA DESIGN AWARD (finalist) | 2013 |Tokyo University of the Arts (Ataka prize) | ART CRAFT DESIGN (Production) | GOOD DESIGN AWARD | 2012 |Kawasaki Industrial design competition (Excellence prize) | Tokyo Crafts Design (Production) | Toyama Design Competition (Finalist) | iida GOMICON (Semi-grand prize)| 2011 | iida AWARD 2011 (finalist)| ENEOS AWARD (Eneos prize)